O'Dwyer and the Liberals stood by while the financial scandals and rip-offs mounted

19 April 2018

Financial Services Minister, Kelly O’Dwyer has made a pathetic attempt on ABC Radio this morning to claim credit for the Royal Commission because it was broader than just the four big banks.


Labor called for a broad-based Royal Commission into the banking and financial services sector more than two years ago.


Ms O’Dwyer has been a key foot soldier in the Turnbull Government’s attempts over the two years to resist calling a Royal Commission into the financial service sector.


In July last year, Ms O’Dwyer called a proposed Royal Commission a “formal, legalistic and expensive three-year talk fest”.


From Malcolm Turnbull down, the Liberals did not want this Royal Commission and spent the last two years trying to stop it being established.


Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison even labelled the Royal Commission “regrettable” as they announced it late last year.


Morrison has even described it as a “populist whinge”.


If the Liberals had their way, Labor’s Future of Financial Advice reforms would have been ripped up and we wouldn’t now be talking about financial service and advice companies breaking the law, because they’d be acting within the law.


Let’s not forget that the Liberals wanted to bring back dodgy commissions for financial advisers and the conflicts of interest and poor quality advice that comes with them. 


The cavalcade of Coalition Ministers and MPs commenting about the revelations coming from the banking Royal Commission is breathtaking in its hypocrisy.


Australians aren’t fooled by the Liberals’ pathetic attempts to rewrite history on the Royal Commission and pretend they’re on the side of victims of these financial scandals.